NEHNEHNIPUPU, You can't copy! :P
Week 14
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This week we get to start our library attendance project but first we need to download the sample code using CEPA EZ-Link Card Reader into our laptop and test run so as to avoid any unnecessary during our start of project. The sample program that we download allow us to read the card and store its card ID into the database and recognize it whenever we tap the card onto the card reader.

We divide our project tasks in the following:

Suqiang:database, finalization, report
ChongHoe:coding, report, database
Me:coding, report, finalization
Pearllyn:interface design, coding, report

Week 13-Presentation on assignment 2
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This week we had our assignment 2 presentation. We were given some topic to start with, and we decided to focus on
1.benefit of RFID
2.social impact of using RFID
3.the future of Singapore be with RFID

Through the research,i found that RFID is very useful and can assist us in any other ways.For example,RFID can help to reduce administrative error, labor costs associated with scanning bar codes, internal theft, error in shipping goods as well as increase sales and guarantee traceability.

For the social impart of using RFID, we had the positive impart and the negative impart. The positive impart will be, it can speed up daily activities where RFID moves faster than retailers publically admit as right-time retailing is growing. As for the negative impart, it had tendency to cause theft of information and inadequate encryption. Furthermore it intrude user privacy where inappropriate use of personal data and people could be unknowingly tracked by the RFID transponders.

Amazingly,there is lots of thing we could be done in the future using RIFD. One of the example will be, RFID on Spectacles. Many of us will encounter when one need to wear spectacle, optometrists will use phoroptor for sight testing, to measure an individual's refractive error and determine his or her eyeglass prescription. With the aid of RFID tag on our spectacles, we doesn't have to go through sight testing to determine our eyesight degree. So just scan the RFID tag on our spectacles to the reader, we can determine each individual degree and it time saving!Conclusion, RFID rapidly evolving technology and it could be used for surveillance purposes but
has the capacity to be abused.

TOR presentation
Sunday, January 10, 2010

This week we had our TOR presentation, and my grp consists of pearllyn, chonghoe and suqiang. The topic given to us was lift simulation or attendance system, we had to choose either one of them to focus on. We chose attendance system and we will be touching on library attendance system.

Library uses designated computers for their staff to clock in and out. The increasing of staff add to the number of people login to the computer leading to congested network jams.
Thus, we have decided to create a system with the to avoid computer hanging and wasting precious time when staffs clock in and out. (We assume that library's staff uses computers to clock in and out instead of RFID)

Our project objectives is to:

  • Clearly display relevant information (e.g. time)
  • Record real time data and pass it to processing system to maintain a log
  • Comprehensive, effective and efficient system
  • Automating the staff administration
Our system feature includes

  • Check lateness
  • Unauthorized staff entering the room
  • Accumulate hours of overtime
  • Attendance weightage calculations
  • Display no. of annual leave they left
  • Email notification for lateness
  • Confirmation of message sound will be heard when they tap e card
  • Calculate extra pay for public holiday
  • Check if one is helping another to tap card
  • Picture profile recongnization
  • Web-based
How its work
  1. A monitor and a card reader will be placed next to each other.
  2. On the monitor screen, it will show the web page with the login page.
  3. The staff will have to tap their staff cards onto the card reader for authentication to the library and for attendance taking purposes.
  4. After they have tapped their staff cards against the card reader, the system will automatically check with the database for existing ID.
  5. If the staff are late, the system will display the font in red.
  6. Confirmation of message sound will be heard when they tap e card
  7. Attendance taking via this method will prevent any "unauthorized" staff from access to the library staff room.
  8. And since each staff card has its own unique ID, it will check against the database to retrieve their details (i.e. the number of times they are absent).
  9. After the staff have tapped their card, the system will automatically calculate their annual leave left and display on the screen.
  10. The system will also check against its database to retrieve information on their attendance status.
  11. When the staff come late for number times, an email notification will be sent to him/her informing about it.


Toh Meng Hwee
Ngee Ann Poly





October 2009
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January 2010
February 2010

