NEHNEHNIPUPU, You can't copy! :P
Week 5
Sunday, November 22, 2009

This week we had our 3rd practical. The objective of this practical is to learn how to implement an Access Control System using RFID and program the movement of the access system for a lift. An access control system is a system which enables an authority to control access to areas and resources in a given physical facility or computer-based information system. It is generally seen as the second layer in the security of a physical structure.
So our task for this practical is to write software to fulfill the requirements of the card access system for the lift. Our tools for the practical will be using eclipse, Felica cards and Sony Pasori Reader and lift teaching kit. First we will write the code to get the input from the lift and modify the code whereby it's able to detect all the six buttons. Next write the code to control the lights in lift whereby switching on the light when the button being pressed by user. Next, to write code that is able to read the card's ID. Lastly will be to be able to move the lift when the floor's button is pressed and upon reaching, it will switch off the lights.
Sony Pasori Reader

Felica card

My reflection:i learnt how to getID number from the Felica card and write my own application to read the card's ID and able to control the lift. In addition, EZlink card can also use by using Sony Pasori Reader Felica SDK.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This week we had our presentation on thursday and practical on friday. The question for our presentation will be how logistics industry benefit from RFID technology and give example of RFID applications in the logistic industry. One of the example will be IBM in USA, how they benefit from RFID. Next we will choose our own topic regarding of RFID. Our grp will be touching on the healthcare, basically RFID in hospital. Examples of RFID in hospital are RFID patient tracking, RIFD tags for dressing in KK women and children hospital and using RFID to take patient temperatures.Mr cheng commented that our slides is interesting.

During our practical, what we had learnt is that to use RFID technology to track outdoor assets like cars in the carpark lot.And learnt how to use Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) algorithm to determine the location of the outdoor assets.

RFID vechicle parking positioning system

  • control up to 4 entrance/exit per reader
  • tag can be read through winshield with metal film
  • Various interface options between Reader & PC via WiFi, Bluetooth, USB, RS232
I learnt that wireless signal is transmitted at a regular interval by the Active RFID tag in the vehicle.Active tags have an internal battery to power them and are usually RW (tag data can be rewritten and/or modified). And its generally can transmit their data over a longer distance, the tag itself is larger than a passive tag, and has a limited operational lifespan.

There are 3 ways ways of describing an asset location:

  • Real-time location: able to track car within the area in the map
  • Presence: whether the car still inside the carpark lot
  • Choke-point: to detect if the car leave the carpark lot

The equipment we used for the practical:

1.1Tag 1.2 Button tag(another type of tag)

Tag is a microchip combined with an antenna in a compact package; the packaging is structured to allow the RFID tag to be attached to an object to be tracked


2.Tag Activator

Tag Activator is a hardware component that connects tags wirelessly to the tag manager workstation, and transmits programming information to the tags.



The Exciter triggers AeroScout’s tags as they pass through a choke point to transmit a message that is received by a standard Wi-Fi Access Point or AeroScout Location Receiver.

4.Location Receiver

AeroScout location receivers provide robust and sophisticated location measurement capabilities packaged in small, easy to install devices designed for harsh conditions. The location receiver receives transmissions and executes sophisticated radio signal measurements and calculations that are sent to the AeroScout Engine software.


5.Access point

6.wireless bridge

Our task will be activating of tags using AeroScout tag manager(is a stand-alone software application that enables users and administrators to configure,program and activate AeroScout Tags for multiple asset location and tracking functions) and activator, next configure the tracking system using AeroScout engine and lastly analyze presence,chock-point & real-time location using AeroScout engine.

week 3
Saturday, November 7, 2009

This week we had our first practical.Basically in this practical,we had the chance to experiment with the passive RFID tags and readers.
First what we did was to compare the read range between High Frequency(HF) tag and Ultra-high Frequency (UHF) tag.And from the result,we conclude that UHF tag can read more further than HF tag.We also found out that the read range of the system increases with the power setting on the reader.

Different type of tag's positioning and orientation actually affect the read range!The system will not able to detect tags if one have or stick onto metal!And what is the typical price of the tags and the cheapest tag is the UHF tag compare to HF and LF tag.


Toh Meng Hwee
Ngee Ann Poly





October 2009
November 2009
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February 2010

